
Throughout the semester we focused on rhetoric and the identification of rhetorical Situations in writing. We ventured into various rhetorical situations in order to better understand how these factors can influence the way an audience perceives a specific piece of writing. This was very helpful in identifying and utilizing rhetoric in our own writing, in order to further connect with our audiences. 

The course outcomes which I think are visible in the work I have done this semester are the following – 

  • Compose texts that integrate your stance with appropriate sources using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation.
  • Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations.
  • Recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.

Strategies such as interpretation and critical analysis were ideal for me when it came to identifying rhetorical situations in the sources for my essays. Another outcome that reflects in my work would be that understanding and exploring various genres could ultimately help determine the audience for a piece of writing. This was present in the Composition in Two Genres Project where a part of the project was determining which was the best fitting genre for a specific audience. 

Recognizing and practicing key rhetorical terms and strategies in writing is visible in all the work done throughout the semester. This is because we used rhetoric as the main focus of our writing. The identification of rhetorical strategies ultimately helped improve aspects of my writing in order to further connect with my audience. I personally believe that the study of rhetoric and rhetorical situations improves the writing of students because we never really focus on certain aspects in writing that could ultimately better our experience of understanding.